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Author: Ally Kennen
Retail Price: $17.99
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ISBN: 9780439943727
Format: Paperback
Published: August 2007
Published By: Scholastic
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Product Description

I found a website asking people to write to prisoners on Death Row. I didn't want to write to a woman. I wanted a proper killer, and preferably one who'd mown down innocent bystanders with a sub-machine gun, Rambo-style. Now what 15-year-old can say they have a killer as a pen-pal?
Me, Chas Parsons, that's who.
The trouble with Chas is that he thinks it'll be funny to get letters from a murderer. After all, it's not like an inmate locked up for life can turn up on his doorstep.
Is it?
ISBN: 9780439943727
Number of Pages: 312
Format: Paperback
Reading Level: Secondary
Published Date: 01-Aug-2007
Dimensions (mm): 130x198mm
Publisher: Scholastic

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