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Earth Debates: Can we Protect People from Natural Disasters

Author: Catherine Chambers
Retail Price: $31.99
Betabooks Price $25.59
ISBN: 9781406290721
Format: Hardback
Published: February 2015
Published By: Raintree
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Product Description

What turns a flood event into a flood disaster?
How can we protect people from the effects of drought?
What is a storm surge?
This book discusses natural disasters, such as tornadoes, hurricanes, volcanoes, floods and droughts, and how scientists use technology to try to predict them. It includes information on how seismology is used to predict earthquakes, how sonar equipment can detect flooding risks, and how GPS and hazard systems can map and predict hurricanes and tornadoes. But could governments do more to protect us from natural disasters? Who do you think?

Australian Curriculum:
Australian Curriculum Correlation:
  • (Years 4-7)
ISBN: 9781406290721
Number of Pages: 48
Format: Hardback
Reading Level: Upper Primary, Lower Secondary
Published Date: 01-Feb-2015
Dimensions (mm): 245x195mm
Publisher: Raintree

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