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Living In Flow: The Science of Synchronicity and How Your Choices ShapeYour World

Retail Price: $35.00
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ISBN: 9781623173111
Format: Paperback
Published: March 2019
Published By: Random House Australia
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Product Description

Referring to a cutting-edge scientific theory of synchronicity, Sky Nelson-Isaacs presents a model for living in the flow--whether at home or at work--which allows for a more flexible relationship with daily experiences. The world wraps itself around our choices, and working with synchronicity gives us an idea of what to do next. When we align with circumstance, circumstance aligns with us. Living in Flow weaves wisdom about the nature of meaning, purpose, and the peak experience of flow with personal narratives of meaningful coincidence. Nelson-Isaacs defines the current state of theoretical physics and quantum mechanics using illustrations and metaphors and explains the idea of Meaningful History Selection. Meaningful History Selection can help us explain why and how synchronicity happens and help us fit it into a rational worldview. By turns encouraging and empowering, Nelson-Isaacs tells us how our choices create meaning. If we understand how the responsivity of the cosmos works, then we can develop an informed relationship to meaning-making and purposefulness in our lives. From this we can align ourselves more effectively within our personal, professional, and community relationships and live more in flow.Referring to a cutting-edge scientific theory of synchronicity, Sky Nelson-Isaacs presents a model for living in the flow--whether at home or at work--which allows for a more flexible relationship with daily experiences. The world wraps itself around our choices, and working with synchronicity gives us an idea of what to do next. When we align with circumstance, circumstance aligns with us. Living in Flow weaves wisdom about the nature of meaning, purpose, and the peak experience of flow with personal narratives of meaningful coincidence. Nelson-Isaacs defines the current state of theoretical physics and quantum mechanics using illustrations and metaphors and explains the idea of Meaningful History Selection. Meaningful History Selection can help us explain why and how synchronicity happens and help us fit it into a rational worldview. By turns encouraging and empowering, Nelson-Isaacs tells us how our choices create meaning. If we understand how the responsivity of the cosmos works, then we can develop an informed relationship to meaning-making and purposefulness in our lives. From this we can align ourselves more effectively within our personal, professional, and community relationships and live more in flow.
SKY NELSON-ISAACS is a theoretical physicist, speaker, author, and musician. He has a masters degree in physics from San Francisco State University, with a thesis in String Theory, and a BS in physics from UC Berkeley. Nelson-Isaacs has dedicated his life to finding his own sense of purpose, beginning as a student of the Yogic master Sri Swami Satchidananda when he was less than five years old. His writing on topics like flow comes from integrating this experience into his life. He brings together the connection between synchronicity, physics, and real life using research and original ideas. An educator with nine years of classroom experience, Nelson-Isaacs is also a multi-instrumentalist and professional performer of award-winning original musical compositions.
ISBN: 9781623173111
Number of Pages: 208
Format: Paperback
Reading Level:
Published Date: 05-Mar-2019
Dimensions (mm): 0x0mm
Publisher: Random House Australia

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