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Alone. Afraid. Hunted.

Author: Juliet Marillier
Retail Price: $16.99
Betabooks Price $13.59
ISBN: 9781742611341
Format: Paperback
Published: July 2012
Published By: Macmillan
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Product Description

The people of Alban are afraid.
The tyrannical king and his masked Enforcers are scouring the land, burning villages and enslaving the canny.
Fifteen-year-old Neryn has fled her home in the wake of its destruction, and is alone and penniless, hiding her extraordinary magical power. She can rely on no one - not even the elusive Good Folk who challenge and bewilder her with their words.
When an enigmatic stranger saves her life, Neryn and the young man called Flint begin an uneasy journey together. She wants to trust Flint but how can she tell who is true in this land of evil?
For Neryn has heard whisper of a mysterious place far away: a place where rebels are amassing to free the land and end the king's reign.
ISBN: 9781742611341
Number of Pages: 349
Format: Paperback
Reading Level: Secondary
Published Date: 09-Jul-2012
Dimensions (mm): 130x198mm
Publisher: Macmillan

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