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The French Revolution

Author: Ian Davidson
Retail Price: $54.99
Betabooks Price $43.99
ISBN: 9781846685408
Format: Hardback
Published: October 2016
Published By: Profile Books
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Product Description

The fall of the Bastille on July 14, 1789 has become the commemorative symbol of the French Revolution. But this violent and random act was unrepresentative of the real work of the early revolution, which was taking place ten miles west of Paris, in Versailles. There, the nobles, clergy and commoners of France had just declared themselves a republic, toppling a rotten system of aristocratic privilege and altering the course of history forever. In a clear, dispassionate and fast-moving narrative, Ian Davidson shows how and why the Revolutionaries, in just five years, spiralled from the best of the Enlightenment to tyranny and the Terror. The book reminds us that the Revolution was both an inspiration of the finest principles of a new democracy and an awful warning of what can happen when idealism goes wrong.
ISBN: 9781846685408
Number of Pages: 320
Format: Hardback
Reading Level:
Published Date: 01-Oct-2016
Dimensions (mm): 234x153mm
Publisher: Profile Books

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