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A Death in the Family

Author: Michael Stanley
Retail Price: $19.99
Betabooks Price $15.99
ISBN: 9781910633229
Format: Paperback
Published: July 2017
Published By: Affirm Adult Fiction
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Product Description

'There's no easy way to say this, Kubu. Your father's dead. I'm afraid he's been murdered.'There's no easy way to say this, Kubu. Your father's dead. I'm afraid he's been murdered.'
Faced with the violent death of his own father, even Assistant Superintendent David 'Kubu' Bengu, Botswana CID's keenest mind, is baffled. Who would kill such a frail old man? The picture becomes even murkier with the apparent suicide of a government official. Are Chinese mine-owners involved? And what role does the US Embassy have to play? Set amidst the dark beauty of modern Botswana, A DEATH IN THE FAMILY is a thrilling insight into a world of riots, corruption and greed, as a complex series of murders present the opera-loving, wine connoisseur detective with his most challenging case yet. When grief-stricken Kubu defies orders and sets out on the killers' trail, startling and chilling links emerge, spanning the globe and setting a sequence of shocking events in motion.

Will Kubu catch the killers in time ... and find justice for his father?
ISBN: 9781910633229
Number of Pages:
Format: Paperback
Reading Level:
Published Date: 25-Jul-2017
Dimensions (mm):
Publisher: Affirm Adult Fiction

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